NEWSOregon Coast Trip Posted on September 21, 2009 by admin Some shots from our recent trip to the Oregon Coast. We headed south towards Tillamook and drove stayed at Cape Lookout State Park, about 20 minutes SW of Town. There was some beautiful beach and fog, and the sound of the crashing ocean lulled us to sleep. The next day we pulled up stakes and head north on the 101, stopping along the way. Had an awesome lunch in Cannon Beach at Bill’s Tavern and Brewhouse. Good beer, fantastic burgers and comfortable atmosphere. After lunch and some coffee, we continued north, stopping in Manzanita and Seaside to check things out. That night we camped at Fort Steven State Park, which had the most beautiful beach we saw the whole trip. After a good night of IPA and campfire (and a few raccoons!) we head out towards Astoria. Outstanding lunch at Wet Dog Cafe and Astoria Brewing (sensing a pattern?). Then it was time to head home. A very quick but rewarding trip. admin Sean and Arden Automotive Shoot